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Transformation Fund Grants

Part I: Overview

The Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) Regional Leadership Center (RLC) East Africa (EA) is pleased to invite Alumni of the program and country chapters to submit applications for funding under the Transformation Fund. Through the fund, alumni will have an opportunity to support a variety of projects and initiatives that will help them promote the vision and mission of the YALI RLC EA. The fund will also provide an opportunity for collaboration between alumni and for them to grow and apply their leadership skills and grow while in the process of organising and executing their proposed solutions.

The grants will be for projects and initiatives whose funding period should not be more than one year.

Part II: Categories

Applications will be submitted under any of the following grant categories;

  • (a) Secretariat Funding This category involves awarding to country chapters that have made significant progress in their formalization or registration activities. It is milestone-based support offered to chapter executive committees that will have submitted their agreed roadmap to formalization and provided necessary evidence as per the following proposed pathways:
    • Pathway 1: Registration as affiliates of existing organizations (hosting and affiliation in a local organization) based on a jointly agreed MOU. It is highly recommended that a Chapter is hosted by an organization owned or led by an alumni.

    • Pathway 2: Registration as an independent organization (Local Charity – NGO, Foundation, CBO) in line with local registration requirements.
  • The maximum grant size for this application is $12,000.

NB:(Chapters that qualify for secretariat funding will automatically receive a grant worth $1,000 to facilitate their alumni mapping activities through a phone-based data collection exercise. The purpose is to collect information on what alumni are currently doing, where they live, challenges they are facing and what additional support they would expect from the YALI RLC EA. Only registered alumni organizations are eligible. Alumni chapters that previously received secretariat funding are not eligible to apply again under this category.)

  • (b) Individual/Group Projects This category involves awarding a grant to support individual or group initiatives among alumni collaborating to address a community need. It is strongly recommended that applications are made through existing organizations that are led, owned and managed by alumni. Applicants should demonstrate how their proposed solution addresses the pressing problem identified and ultimately leading to transformation. In cases where alumni are collaborating on a project, one member should.

    apply on behalf of the group citing the names of other members involved. Applicants should clearly document any in-kind contributions from other stakeholders.
  • The Grant size for this application will range between $10,000-$30,000.

    Persons living with disabilities and those running projects/initiatives that support adolescent girls and young women, persons living with disabilities and other minority groups are encouraged to apply.

Part III: Eligibility Requirements

To be eligible for and receive funding under the Transformation Fund, applicants should observe the following:

  • Applications should be submitted through established local organizations led, owned and managed by YALI alumni. Proof of registration as per country local registration laws will be required.
  • Applications for secretariat funding should be submitted through the country chapters officials.
  • Applications are encouraged for projects that demonstrate innovative solutions, can be scaled up and are sustainable.
  • Applications should include signatures from the chairperson, or a designated official appointed by the chapter executive committee.
  • It is important that applicants categorically state how they will involve/collaborate with fellow alumni.
  • The main contact person (project lead) for the project/initiative will be expected to submit the requisite compliance documents.
  • All activities must be eligible as per ADS 300 mat. This include and not limited to construction activities and associated costs and scholarships, school fees and tuition for degree granting institution.

Part IV: Selection Criteria

The Transformation Fund Evaluation Committee will be guided by a specific set of questions under each criteria.

These evaluation criteria elements are described fully below:

  • Problem Statement: This will evaluate whether the problem statement is clearly defined using evidence and data.It will specify the problem to be addressed highlighting the needs of the identified target group.

  • Strategic Approach: The applicant will clearly outline the steps that will be taken to:
    1. Address the identified problem
    2. Navigate potential obstacles during project implementation
    3. Partner with other stakeholders for successful implementation
    4. Effectively and innovatively implement program objectives

  • Sustainability: The applicant’s sustainability plan will demonstrate the specific steps that will be taken to ensure project continuity beyond the life of the grant.
    1. Financial sustainability & Leverage
    2. Organizational and programmatic sustainability

  • Monitoring and Evaluation: Applicants will have an M&E plan that includes indicators that are clearly linked to overall project objectives. This should demonstrate how the project will measure progress, including action items from the organization’s implementation plan, along with specific targets/outputs for each action.

  • Organizational capacity: The organization will demonstrate that it has management systems and technical capacity in place to facilitate performance of program objectives and ensure successful completion of the scope of work as per donor requirements. The project should have internal controls in place to effectively manage and report the grant.

  • Budget: The proposed budget will be analysed as part of the application selection process. Applicants should submit a detailed itemised budget with budget notes, assumptions, and schedules that clearly explain how the estimated amounts were derived. Budgets that include information determined to be unreasonable, incomplete, or based on a methodology that is not adequately supported will be unacceptable. YALI RLC EA may request additional supporting information to the extent necessary to determine whether the costs are fair and reasonable. The budget should also report in-kind contributions if any.

Part V: Application Processing Cycle

Part VI: References, Terms and Conditions


YALI RLC EA is required to comply with the provisions of the United States Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, and other United States laws and regulations. The Transformation Fund Grant will be administered according to YALI RLC EA’s policies and procedures as well as USAID’s regulations for non-U.S. nongovernmental recipients. Applicants will need to familiarize themselves with USAID grant guidelines as documented on the links below: Standard Provisions for Non-U.S. Non-Governmental Organizations:
● Code of Federal Regulations
● Standard Provisions for fixed amounts awards

Terms and Conditions
  • The grant will be administered in accordance with the applicable USAID regulations.

  • Responding to the request for applications does not guarantee that the applicant will be awarded.

  • YALI RLC EA may award a grant to undertake part of the activities in the request for applications.

  • YALI RLC EA may request short-listed applicants for a second or third round of either oral presentation or written response to a more specific and detailed scope of work that is based on a general scope of work in the original request for applications.

  • Any application received after the deadline will NOT be considered.

  • YALI RLC EA reserves the right to accept or reject a request for application.

Grant Disbursement and Financial Management

The type of award to be issued is a Fixed Amount Award. A grant agreement will include the approved project description, approved budget, payment terms, reporting requirements and relevant provisions. Once executed, it is a legally binding agreement between YALI RLC EA and the recipient organization. Once the grant agreement is signed, it cannot be modified without written approval from YALI RLC EA on behalf of USAID.

Grant Agreement

Recipients of grant funds will be required to open a bank account before any funds are transferred from YALI RLC EA. The grants will be disbursed in US$ (US Dollars) and transferred only through bank transactions.


● The grant agreement will detail the reporting requirements. Recipients must be willing to adhere to the reporting schedule and requirements for both programming activities and financial monitoring.

● YALI RLC EA Grants Management Team will monitor programmatic performance through various mechanisms including evaluating end of activity results, conducting site visits of activities underway and reviewing periodic reports. YALI RLC EA and USAID will undertake financial monitoring to ensure terms of the sub-award are adhered to, expenditures are properly documented and allowable under the donor regulations. All original receipts must be kept for three years after the formal closeout has been completed.

Late Submissions and Withdrawal of Applications

● Applicants are wholly responsible for ensuring that their applications are received in accordance with the instructions stated herein. A late application will not be eligible for consideration and will be rejected without selection, even if it was late as a result of circumstances beyond the Applicant’s control. A late application will be considered only if the sole cause of it becoming late was attributable to YALI RLC EA employees.

● Applications may be withdrawn by written notice via email received at any time before award.

Prohibited Goods and Services

Under no circumstances shall the grantee procure any of the following under this award, as these items are excluded by the Foreign Assistance Act and other legislation which govern USAID funding. Programs which are found to transact in any of these shall be disqualified:

  • Military equipment.

  • Surveillance equipment.

  • Commodities and services for support of police or other law enforcement activities.

  • Abortion equipment and services

  • Luxury goods and gambling equipment; and

  • Weather modification equipment.

Restricted Goods

The following costs are restricted by USAID and require prior approval:

  • Agricultural commodities.

  • Motor vehicles.

  • Pharmaceuticals.

  • Pesticides

  • Fertilizers

  • Used equipment.

  • U.S. Government-owned excess property.

Recipients of grant funds will be required to open a bank account before any funds are transferred from YALI RLC EA. The grants will be disbursed in US$ (US Dollars) and transferred only through bank transactions.

Pre-Award Certifications, Assurances, Representations, and Other Statements of the Recipient and Pre-Award Terms

According to USAID funding requirements, all applicants will be required to complete the below certification in accordance with ADS 303.3.8

  • A signed copy of Certifications, Assurances, Representations, and Other Statements of the Recipient, which includes (ADS 303.3.8).

  • Certification Regarding Lobbying (22 CFR 227);

  • Prohibition on Assistance to Drug Traffickers for Covered Countries and Individuals (ADS 206, Prohibition of Assistance to Drug Traffickers);

  • Certification Regarding Support to Terrorists (ADS 569);

  • Certification Regarding Trafficking in Persons (ADS 303); and

  • Certification of Recipient.

The Fund will not cover certain items, such as:/h6>
  • Salaries for any type of staff (alumni or otherwise)

  • Activities related to the promotion of specific political parties.

  • Construction Activities.

  • Alcohol.

  • Scholarships, school fees, tuition for degree-granting institutions.

  • International travel

  • Equipment or items that will be in possession of alumni. Any equipment should be in the possession of the Country Chapter or targeted beneficiaries..

  • Personal expenses associated with involvement in the Country Chapter or as a Country Liaison (e.g., transportation to/from events, time off from work, etc.) .

Contact Information

The point of contact for the request for applications will be to the Grants Manager:

Application Checklist
  • For Secretariat Funding, provide evidence of registration as affiliates of existing organizations (hosting and affiliation in a local or international organization, preferably an alumni-led or managed initiative based on a jointly agreed upon MOU. Alternatively, Chapters could register as independent organizations (Local Charity–NGO, Foundation, CBO) in line with local registration requirements.

  • An Alumni Chapter Chairperson or any other officers should endorse the application by signing before submission.

  • Clear and consistent monitoring and evaluation plan to document and demonstrate the desired impact.(should we include the implementation plan as a separate document to attach)

  • Clear project sustainability plan. To include a template or have it as one of the questions only.

  • Budget notes are mandatory a requirement on the budget template

  • Duly signed Environmental Screening form and Certificate and Assurances from Applicants


The YALI Regional Leadership Center East Africa, is located at Kenyatta University in Nairobi, Kenya. The Center is overseen by Kenyatta University and is supported by a growing number of African and international partners.

Contact Us

P.O. Box 43844-00100, Nairobi, Kenya

+254 020 870 4290